Uncovering the Correlation Between Smoking Cigarettes (Newports) and Smoking Crack: An In-Depth Analysis
K Tyler A closer look at the link between smoking cigarettes and smoking crack reveals that individuals who smoke cigarettes are at a higher risk...
The Unseen Cycle: From Child Abuse to Adult Drug Abuse – A Harrowing Look into the Link
K Tyler In my second year of high school, I was attacked and raped by a stranger while returning home from a park off Mount...
The Harsh Reality of War and Drugs: A Deep Dive into a Troubling Connection
K Tyler “The Vietnam War, a pivotal moment in American history, marked a significant shift in asymmetrical warfare. The Vietcong's deceptive tactics, akin to the...
The Secrets of Being a Child Abused to Become an Adult Drug Abused
K Tyler In my second year of high school, through no fault of my own, I found myself in a life-and-death situation that has impacted...
Celebrating the Departure of the Dark Passenger: Embracing Light and Love
K Tyler Hopkins' pain matched mine. Like him, I was gloomy but saw possibilities. An American guy wakes abruptly after 25 years of semi-consciousness. My...
Discovering the Light: My Spiritual Journey to Finding God
Mucura Hotel & Spa, Cartagena de Indias K Tyler Biblically, we must acknowledge God, seek Him, follow Him, change our attitude, and grow spiritually to...