Discovering the Light: My Spiritual Journey to Finding God

K Tyler
Biblically, we must acknowledge God, seek Him, follow Him, change our attitude, and grow spiritually to find Him. Finding God can be like a spiritual journey where we pray, ponder, and serve others to become closer to Him. This could be visiting church, reading scripture, and being around supportive believers. After finding God, we try to follow His teachings and show His love and compassion. It involves giving up our will, trusting His purpose, and finding peace and fulfillment in Him. Finding God is about internal transformation, where our religion guides us through life’s struggles and triumphs with grace and humility.
Biblically, we must recognize God, seek Him, follow Him, alter our attitude, and develop spiritually to find Him. Finding God may be like a spiritual journey where we pray, ponder, and serve others to become closer to Him. This might be visiting church, reading scripture, and being among supportive Christians. After discovering God, we try to follow His teachings and show His love and compassion. It involves giving up our will, trusting His purpose, and finding peace and contentment in Him. Finding God is about internal change, where our religion leads us through life's struggles and successes with grace and humility.
At this time in my life, I abandoned my faith in God and became preoccupied with using scientific evidence to disprove his existence. At the same time, my religious attendance dwindled. I spent years pleading with God to end my pain, asking questions such as "Why me?" and "Please help me?" "Make this pain go away?" and "Please let me be happy?" seemed to go unanswered, leading me to this perspective. I delved into scientific research, seeking logical explanations for the suffering I had endured. The more I learned about the natural world, the more convinced I became that science held all the answers. The idea of a benevolent, all-powerful deity seemed increasingly improbable in the face of the harsh realities I had experienced. Ultimately, my search for meaning led me down a path far removed from the comfort of religious belief.
Even I find my own story incredible. While discussing the recent deaths in our family with my brother's neighbor last year, I felt obligated to learn a story he told me after my sister-in-law's death. Here, I share his story of reconciling with God after a misfortune in his life. He asserted that he had a serene and tranquil dialogue with God while he lay on the street in excruciating pain following the motorbike accident that removed a portion of his skull. He explained how he saw God as just another person he could talk to. As if he were a homie, he asked God in an inquisitive, dry tone if he was going to die. "He asked me if I wanted to stay here or go back to life." After a brief period, he stated that he had pondered over his girl and his family, particularly the significance she held for him, and he decided to return to her, his girl, and his life.
God is able to listen to millions of prayers at the same time. (Psalm 65:2) He even notices every sparrow that falls to the ground. Will God’s mind ever be overloaded, preventing him from noticing you and listening to your prayers? No, because his mind is not limited. What is more, “you are worth more than many sparrows” to him.—Matthew 10:29, 31.
2023 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
At that moment, the doctor applied the defibrillator to him for the third time, and he miraculously regained consciousness. He revealed that he had a conversation with God, and that God had answered his desire for a new beginning by giving him life again. Never in my entire life had I thought of God as human, much less that we could have a conversation in our own way. God granted me the opportunity to engage in a dialogue with him, which taught me that everything is possible at any given moment. This revelation left me bewildered, but it also showed me that, with him, anything is possible. There was no visible sign, but I felt an overwhelming sense of happiness that has never left me. The absence of illumination did not dampen the overwhelming sense of happiness. I am aware that, as Celie asserted in the critically acclaimed movie "The Color Purple," there is a God, and he has been in my heart ever since.